Fund MetaMask with BNB to pay gas fees.
Depositing funds to your wallet address to cover gas fees.
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Depositing funds to your wallet address to cover gas fees.
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The next step is to withdraw $BNB to your wallet address. $BNB is required to pay gas fees on the network. Without $BNB in your account, transactions on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) will not execute.
Here is how to use Binance exchange to source $BNB:
Ahead of time, be sure that you have whitelisted your wallet address or copied it on the clipboard to paste into the 'Recipient's BNB address' on the withdrawal page.
Critical Step: Ensure you have selected ‘Binance Smart Chain BEP20’. This will ensure your BNB appears on the BSC network of your wallet.
Paste the withdraw address, double-check that it is correct, press 'submit' then complete 2-Factor authentication steps to confirm.
If you are not across Binance, you can withdraw similarly from CoinSpot. Again, you must ensure your withdrawal address and the transfer network is BEP20 BSC Smart Chain.
Once you have set up the BSC network on your MetaMask and received your $BNB, you can now begin executing smart contract transactions on BSC protocols.